Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today is my Sabbath, my day of rest. Yes, it's Thursday not Sunday, but this seems to work better for me because there is less going on in the middle of the week than on weekends, and I am able to rest more fully. I have not left my apartment or spoken a word to anyone since Clint left for work this morning (except when I talked to him on the phone for seven minutes). Up to this point in my life, I have never taken a weekly day of rest, have never had the desire to do so, and tried to casually gloss over this particular Commandment whenever I came across it. But so much has changed. I no longer thrive off of a jam packed schedule or frantically hectic lifestyle. Ambition, accomplishments, and self-sufficiency don't work as my Source anymore. Maybe it's just maturity, or maybe it's actually God working on me, no longer allowing these idols to bring me any satisfaction or fulfillment. So I'm now making space for and protecting my Sabbath, and it's a much richer way to live. Do you take a day of rest? If you don't, I invite you to make space for that in your life and notice what happens when you choose God's way rather than the world's.

1 comment:

Maggard said...

It is so easy to gloss that one over, you are so right... I need you to rub off on me with this one. :) and you are so right, it is God's way. I'm really starting to believe that He might actually know best, starting to...