Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Ever heard of it? I hadn't either till today. It reminds me of my favorite running shoe: Mizuno, and makes me miss running even more! Mizuna was in my CSA share today. It's a cool season Japanese mustard green. With mystery ingredients like this, I'm always thankful for the recipes that come along with each week's pickup, and I think I'll try making soba noodle salad with mizuna this week . . . more details on that when it happens.

Here's the bounty from this week, photo from Roots Farm blog. That's farmer Sarah in the photo. This is her fifth year on the farm, and she has a wealth of knowledge and a love of produce. The share included tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, kale, turnips, summer squash, mizuna, arugula, and basil.

But, most importantly, Maggy's baby was born today at 2:36pm! Fern Fiona Hanlon is seven pounds, six ounces, and 21 inches long. She is beautiful, and I can't wait to meet her in real life. I couldn't be happier for my friends.

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